Used rEvo III Micro Titanium hCCR Rebreather for Sale
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Sorry, this unit has now been sold!
Due to a unit upgrade, our UK rEvo Instructor has the following rEvo III for sale in the UK. 2011 rEvo III CE Standard Stainless Steel Full rMS 1 rEvodream 5 Cells Updated/ New Solenoid/ CMF this year Front mounted manual add block Rear mounted add buttons as well Fully updated with latest firmwares Cylinders [...]
Here at Tekdeep Egypt we don't just do courses. We also do fully supported Technical Daily Diving. This means we need to have lots of equipment to support you...and boy do we have lots of equipment :) This includes: 100,000 litres of Gas (Helium and Oxygen), 30 sets of Rebreather Cylinders, Countless Stage Cylinders with high [...]
Technical diving in Bali certainly looks fun doesn't it? If you want to see some of the best technical dive sites Bali has to offer, be sure to get in touch! It will be a trip you won't forget :)
At Tekdeep we get a lot of questions from people who are not yet technical divers but are thinking about the switch and want to know what is involved, is it a move they should make, should they be Technical OC divers or make the jump to CCR. With this in mind we have now [...]