At Tekdeep we get a lot of questions from people who are not yet technical divers but are thinking about the switch and want to know what is involved, is it a move they should make, should they be Technical OC divers or make the jump to CCR. With this in mind we have now decided to answer these commonly asked questions in the form of  the new TekDeep Blog!

Each week we will be answering some of the most frequently asked questions about technical diving and sharing our thoughts on the world of diving in general. We will also be keeping you updated on where we are, what we are doing and sharing with you some comments from our students – all with a view to help you better understand the world of technical diving and to share with you our love of the “silent world” of CCR diving

We look forward to sharing our thoughts with you over the coming months but if you have questions you would like answered before you read a blog post about it then please do not hesitate to get in touch