AP Inspiration rebreathers are custom built to suit your size, frame and the type of diving you plan to do. Choose from 3 models, 3 chassis sizes, 5 harness sizes, 2 wing sizes, 2 cylinder sizes, 2 scrubber durations and multiple upgrade options from gas connection systems to choice of front or back mounted counterlungs, to deco options up to advanced Trimix.

Every component made at AP is designed, built and tested by divers for divers. From the smallest buckle to the CO2 Scrubber, from re-usable hose fittings to advanced oxygen control systems to the latest back-mounted counterlung – they’re all precision engineered with you in mind.

Making improvements to our own dive kit is how the company started back in the 1960s and everything we do today is built upon this manufacturing experience and philosophy.

Need More Information?

For more information on any of the Closed Circuit Rebreather (CCR) or Semi-Closed Rebreather (SRC) Services or available from Tekdeep, Tekdeep Asia, Tekdeep Egypt, or Tekdeep UK please do not hesitate to contact us