The Busy Time Continues in Asia
Here we have the first Chinese rEvo Diver course in Bali ably assisted by Christian Fuss!
Here we have the first Chinese rEvo Diver course in Bali ably assisted by Christian Fuss!
Whilst we do teach lots of people to take their rebreathers to beyond 100m, everyone has to start somewhere, so we begin with something a little bit shallower :)
It has been a busy few weeks for team Tekdeep recently. Lot's people wanting to experience the silent world of rebreather diving, particularly the rEvo Rebreather. As such we have been neglecting our website a little bit :( This all changes today and we have now added a new way for you to keep updated [...]
The whole Tekdeep team are extremely proud to have been featured in Issue 15 of The Equalizer Magazine this month as part of an extensive feature on becoming a rEvo Rebreather Diver. As the UK Dealer/Instructor for rEvo we are not only happy to have been showcased as instructors but also as provider of the [...]
Investing in a rebreather is a choice that most of us have to live with for quite a while so it is better to get it right first time. When a decision has been made and you have decided on a rEvo there comes a second decision. Which one and what specification? There are several [...]
"I have just successfully completed my rEvo crossover with Simon Taylor-Watson from Tekdeep. The course was very enjoyable with exactly the right balance between serious instruction and fun. Day one was at Simon's house where we concentrated on theory and unit build up. We were spoilt by Simon's partner Sharon bringing tea, coffee, sandwiches and [...]
rEvo Crossover / MOD1 - Capernwray and Conniston in the lake district (UK). "... I then speak to Mr TW about doing a crossover, we have a long a frank discussion and Simon basically tells me that he doesn’t think that in the past I have gotten the most out of my CCR diving and [...]
"Did my one to one day with Simon at Capernwray today, well one to three as Simon, Lee, and Paul were involved. Started with a really thorough run through of the rEvo design and parts, setup and calibration which was best part of 2 hours and very informative and really showed both Simon's knowledge of [...]
"I felt exactly the same way and really did assume I wouldn't learn anything on my crossover. Then I started to read the standards and talk to PR and the instructor that did my crossover and started to change my mind a little. Then I went and did the crossover and was impressed at how [...]