“Did my one to one day with Simon at Capernwray today, well one to three as Simon, Lee, and Paul were involved.
Started with a really thorough run through of the rEvo design and parts, setup and calibration which was best part of 2 hours and very informative and really showed both Simon’s knowledge of the rEvo and his enthusiasm for it. We then went for the first dive staying shallow so that I could get the hang of buoyancy and some experience on the rEvo – surface run through of bail out, then in and practice bailout and mask clear. Then we did a full hours dive, the rEvo is really nice to dive, easy to breathe, comfortable to wear with a harness that is built like the proverbial brick outhouse and it was a really enjoyable dive despite my apprehension and me being new to CCR diving. Buoyancy wasn’t bad and I only crashed into the mud once…
Gas usage for first dive was all of 30bar of O2…
After a hours break and debrief, coffee, etc, we went again and did the bail out skills practice then a slow run down the slope to the bottom, a wander around the plane, oil rig, Podsnap, Murphy, etc, then a slow ascent back to do a 6m and 3m stop. Gas usage was 30bar of O2 and 40bar of dil.
At the end of the day I was knackered but it was well worth it and it has shown me that it is now when I buy a rEvo not if”