If you have never dived the wrecks at Malin Head but you have always wanted to then this is the week for you.
We are aiming to have a week doing Advanced Recreational diving in September 2018. This is for those who are already diving to 40 meters.
Where decompression diving is involved we plan on one dive a day and two dives if it’s light or no decompression.
If you think that you are not quite ready (read below*) then this is definitely the week for you. We are offering guided dives on the wrecks requiring decompression and whenever someone wants to have an experienced tech diver accompany them.
Diving will be €750 for the week and accommodation will be at the bed and breakfast located at the diving centre.
*If you would like to prepare for this week then Tekdeep are offering to help in the preparation. We will bring you up to speed with what is needed. We can do this in the UK at St Abbs or in Egypt on our Liveaboard, MV Legends. There is no cost involved doing the preparation you just pay for the diving not the instruction.
For more information on Malin Head Newbie week or getting prepared at St Abbs or in Egypt, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will help you wherever we can.
Image copyright Steve Jones www.millionfish.com
View more Malin Head photos at: http://stevejones.photoshelter.com/gallery/Malin-Head-The-Giants-Graveyard/G0000CKzDpdPnqbU/