We are putting to together our final numbers for Malin Head 2018 and we have a few places still remaining. Don’t miss this great opportunity to dive some of the best wrecks in Europe!

We will again be diving with Mevagh Diving in Carrigart onboard the Laura Dean and have spaces available for a “Classics Week” and a “Deep Week” (deep week are wrecks in the 100m range). The cost will be €750 per person plus accommodation at the dive centre bed and breakfast.

Malin Head Wreck Week 2018 – The Classics Week One – 25th August 2018

Malin Head Wreck Week 2018 – Deep Week One – 1st September 2018

Malin Head Wreck Week 2018 – Deep Week Two – 15th September 2018

If you have any questions before making a reservation, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.


Image copyright Steve Jones www.millionfish.com

View more Malin Head photos at: http://stevejones.photoshelter.com/gallery/Malin-Head-The-Giants-Graveyard/G0000CKzDpdPnqbU/