Are you missing some warm water diving? Join Tekdeep Safaris for this fantastic late addition to the MV Legends Safari Schedule. This amazing “Something for Everyone” itinerary from 1st to 8th February 2020 is suitable for divers of all disciplines. From shallow open circuit diving to rebreather dives beyond 100m, there really is something for everyone!

There are dive guides onboard for divers of all qualification levels, booster pumps, mixed gases, ample supplies of Sofnolime, fantastic food, an amazing captain who can take you to the best dive sites in the Northern Red Sea AND a Diver Lift. What more could you want from a liveaboard holiday?

Not that you need more of a reason but Turkish Airlines have extended their FREE DIVE BAGGAGE offer on flights to Hurghada throughout 2020, so with flights from major UK airports (and other airports around the world) less than £340 including all dive baggage, this is your perfect time to join us!

Contact us for more information or click here to reserve your place today! As a late addition to our schedule, we have some fantastic deals available.