Successful IANTD Normoxic Trimix KISS CCR Instructor Course in Bali

Very big congratulations to Dave Woodward who successfully completed his IANTD Normoxic Trimix KISS CCR Instructor course and evaluation. Dave is a great benefit to the network of KISS divers and instructors in the South East Asian area and is now able to offer 60m mixed gas training through IANTD. kuşadası escort bayan

By |2022-04-11T13:23:49+00:00July 21st, 2015|Asia|0 Comments

When the holes line up in the cheese

I have heard the analogy about holes in the cheese several times and it pretty much sums up the incident pit. I’ve been diving rebreathers for quite a while now, teaching them for nearly a decade and I have always been interested in rebreather diver incidents. There are many internet forums with sections dedicated to [...]

By |2022-04-11T13:29:18+00:00July 7th, 2015|Tekdeep Blog|0 Comments

Introduction To The Dark Side in Bali

Great day of rebreather try diving today at Tekdeep Asia. David is looking at converting to the closed circuit revolution. We ran him through the APD Evolution+, Poseidon Mk6, and rEvo eXpedition Micro Full rMS. The dark side strikes again. artvin escort bayan

By |2022-04-11T13:29:52+00:00June 29th, 2015|Asia, rEvo Rebreathers|0 Comments

A Busy Few Weeks at Tekdeep Asia

Been a very busy few weeks here at Tekdeep Asia, and the training calendar has been non stop go go go. We have been doing everything from sidemount to advanced mixed gas CCR. Catching up now and would like to congratulate Joel Pringle from Adelaide for completing the IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix rEvo CCR Diver [...]

By |2015-06-22T04:49:05+00:00June 22nd, 2015|Asia, rEvo Rebreathers, Sidemount Diving|0 Comments

Tekdeep Family Member Considering The Dark Side

#TekdeepFamily member Marc from France has been here with us in Bali diving open circuit twins in preparation for his up coming normoxic trimix course. After seeing the advantages that rebreathers offer he had to have a try. Marc tested both the APD Evolution+ and the rEvo expedition micro, and loved it. He is now [...]

By |2019-01-17T08:29:58+00:00April 25th, 2015|Tekdeep Family Photos|0 Comments
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