Tekdeep Family, Scooters and Trimix in Bali
Has been a great couple of weeks of awesome diving following ADEX thanks to #TekdeepFamily member, Scott Clegg for lots of cool scooter mixed gas diving.
Has been a great couple of weeks of awesome diving following ADEX thanks to #TekdeepFamily member, Scott Clegg for lots of cool scooter mixed gas diving.
If you have ever been diving with us, if you have joined us on safari or you have completed a course with us at Tekdeep, you will know that we do things a little bit differently than most diving facilities. For us you are not just a diver or a student but a member of [...]
Here is Marc Crane from Tekdeep Asia, keeping busy this weekend at ADEX in Singapore :)
Had the pleasure of having one of the founders of the Jakarta Wreck Divers over to complete his rEvo Rebreather diver course. Richard Rigby finally made the leap and joined the dark side and loves it. Well done Rich and hope to see you soon to smash out some more hours but this time hopefully [...]
Still enjoying excellent diving here on Bali. This week saw Gary Pyle from Perth complete his IANTD Normoxic Trimix CCR Poseidon MkVI Diver at Tekdeep Asia HQ. Lots of drills and skills and a massive learning curve was eagerly eaten up by Gary in the 760 minutes of in water time clocked up. Well done [...]
Charlotte Woodward is keeping the family tradition of going deep, dark and silent from a very early age. Cheers Charlie but you may need to wait a few more years before we get you on a set of mini sidemounts :)
Join us in wishing a very Happy Birthday to Marc Crane who heads up the Tekdeep Asia Team. He probably won't be enjoying a relaxing day as we are quite busy but we are sure he will be sinking a cold beer to celebrate later! Happy Birthday Buddy!
Congratulations to Allan from Beijing who just completed his IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix Diver Course with an awesome 48m dive at the drop off. Allan is photographed here with his Instructor Marc Crane, head of Tekdeep Asia.
If you are reading this blog post then you have discovered the brand new website from Tekdeep. Our old one was perfectly functional but after 4 years we decided it needed a bit of a refresh. Added to which, we have a lot more services in a lot more places than we used to so [...]
At Tekdeep, we believe that your geographical location should be a limitation when it comes to becoming a technical diver and with this philosophy in mind we have some great news! Not only can you conduct your technical diving with Tekdeep in the UK and Egypt, you can now continue your technical diver training throughout [...]