Firmware Update for Shearwater NERD to V10

A problem in NERD firmware v09 for DiveCAN models has been identified. It affects the PPO2 used for decompression calculations. Any DiveCAN users of NERD v09 should upgrade to v10 firmware. Use Shearwater Desktop to update to the latest firmware (NERD v10). Fischer NERD users are unaffected, but can update if desired. The Petrel and [...]

By |2022-04-11T13:29:09+00:00July 8th, 2015|Asia, Egypt, rEvo Rebreathers, UK|0 Comments

Why Tekdeep Love Shearwater Computers

Shearwater computers are simple, reliable and robust, our computer of choice for when exploring the silent world. We have been using 3 generations of Shearwater computers this past 10 days to depths up to and including 100m and did not have any issues whatsoever while enjoying more than 15hours in water time. Tekdeep Asia ONLY trust [...]

By |2019-01-17T08:30:07+00:00August 5th, 2014|Asia|0 Comments
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