Awesome DPV Training at Tekdeep Asia

Awesome few days over on Gili Trawangan where I had the pleasure to teach a TDI DPV instructor and diver program using the absolutely amazing Subgravity Bonex DPV range. The first day was sunny and bright so great for spending time on the beach making sure the scooters were trimmed and balanced correctly. After which the [...]

By |2021-02-25T10:17:44+00:00February 25th, 2021|Asia, Tekdeep Family Photos|0 Comments

3 CCR’s, 3 DPV’s and 288min In The Water – Lots of Fun in Bali

Had a great time on the IANTD DPV CCR Diver course with Christopher Brun and Mike Hortin. 3 different CCR's and 3 different DPV's made for lots of fun and games and we finished our total inwater time of 288min with a great tour of the USAT Liberty. Congratulations to both Christopher and Mike.  

By |2014-08-01T06:19:29+00:00August 1st, 2014|Asia|0 Comments
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