How long can I use the scrubbers on a rEvo Rebreather?

The recommendations we give for scrubber use are only valid when Sofnolime 797 is used

As scrubber performance is dependent on water temperature we give different recommendations for cold and warm water

When we refer to “cycle”, this means that only one canister (the one that was on the exhale lung) is refilled with fresh Sofnolime 797 and that canister is put in the lower position of the reabreather: on top of the oxygen sensors on the inhale lung

So correct cycling is always done like this: remove the top canister (the one on the exhale lung, on top of the orifice and ADV) and empty that canister. Take the remaining canister out of the lower position and put it in the top position, on the exhale lung. Refill the empty canister and put it in the lower position on top of the oxygen sensors. ALWAYS MARK YOUR CANISTERS AND WRITE DOWN IN WHAT POSITION THEY ARE PUT!

rEvo with standard axial scrubbers using Sofnolime 797:

  • Water temp >4°C: one cycle every 2 hours or refilling both canisters after 3 hours
  • Water temp >15°C: one cycle every 3 hours or refilling both canisters after 4.5 hours

rEvo with optional radial scrubbers using Sofnolime 797:

  • Water temp >4°C: one cycle every 3 hours or refilling both canisters after 5 hours
  • Water temp >15°C: one cycle every 4.5 hours or refilling both canisters after 7 hours

Need More Information?

For more information on rEvo Rebreather Scrubber Usage please do not hesitate to contact us