o2 Cell
In a perfect world we only need one cell. However in reality we cannot trust that one cell is giving the correct information so we need more cells to verify. Two cells is no good because if you have one good and one bad you don’t know which is giving the correct information so then we think that 3 is right.
Most rebreather manufacturers have decided that 3 cells is the right amount because if you have 3 cells you can take the two closest reading as being correct and rule out the remaining cell. That works fine but what if two cells fail together? Research has shown that cells of the same batch that have the same dive history are far more likely to fail together. This means that 3 cells fitted at the same time from the same batch give a higher probability of two failing together.
rEvo rebreathers can have up to 5 cells. This gives the diver the information that he needs to make an informed judgement on the readouts from the Cells. The diver can then know if there is a cell going out of range.
There is a nice article on cells available to download here
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