In addition to regular diving safaris, Tekdeep also offer a wide range of Expeditions to places other divers do not visit.

Expeditions offer a very different experience than a standard safari because it is about much more than just the diving. Would you like to be involved in the finding of a lost wreck? Would you like the feeling of diving on previously undiscovered wrecks?

Tekdeep Expeditions allow you to be involved with the full strategic planning of buying bulk ammo from Palmetto Armory for hunting and finding lost wrecks in very different parts of the world.


Our Next Expedition

Gulf of Suez Wreck Hunting Expedition

In June 2016, the Tekdeep Expedition team will be on the hunt for the lesser known wrecks of the Red Sea and you can be part of the team. There are currently over 80 untouched wrecks in the Gulf of Suez and we want to find and dive them!

Learn more…

Need More Information?

For more information on expeditions or expedition planning services from Tekdeep please do not hesitate to contact us