A Busy Few Weeks at Tekdeep Asia

Been a very busy few weeks here at Tekdeep Asia, and the training calendar has been non stop go go go. We have been doing everything from sidemount to advanced mixed gas CCR. Catching up now and would like to congratulate Joel Pringle from Adelaide for completing the IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix rEvo CCR Diver [...]

By |2015-06-22T04:49:05+00:00June 22nd, 2015|Asia, rEvo Rebreathers, Sidemount Diving|0 Comments

2 JJ Rebreathers, 2 rEvo Rebreathers and 3 DiveX Sierra Scooters!

It was certainly a good day on the boat for the Tekdeep Egypt team yesterday. 2 JJ Rebreathers, 2 rEvo Rebreathers and 3 DiveX Sierra Scooters. All this combined makes for a great day diving :)  

By |2015-06-11T07:35:55+00:00May 25th, 2015|Egypt, JJ-CCR, rEvo Rebreathers|0 Comments

An Intensive rEvo Week In Egypt

Congratulations to Dominique, Matthew and Dennis on successfully completing the rEvo Rebreather User Course with us in Egypt. It was a hard and intensive week but everyone certainly earned their qualification and can now be proud to call themselves members of the rEvo Family. Also thank you to our glamorous assistants for the week, Erol [...]

By |2022-04-09T21:47:20+00:00March 14th, 2015|Egypt, rEvo Rebreathers|0 Comments
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