Find out why the rEvo Rebreather is the rEvolutionary Rebreather this October – We currently have 1 place remaining on a rEvo Rebreather User Course at our facility in the glorious Red Sea. Taking place on safari on our very own Specialist Technical Liveaboard, MV Legends, from 2nd to 9th October 2021, this will be a great to chance to learn everything there is to know about the rEvo Rebreather and get some great diving in the Northern Red Sea. – Sun, Sea, Silent Diving….What more could you need?

MV Legends Specialist Red Sea Liveaboard

If you are already a rEvo Rebreather Diver (or qualified diver of any kind for that matter) then you also have the chance to join this great trip. This really is the best of the Northern Red Sea. Wrecks, Reefs, Shallow, Deep – Something for everyone!

Places are being taken quickly don’t don’t delay and reserve your spot today.

Contact Us or Reserve Your Place